What Is Your Strategy?

Conducting a job search can be very frustrating and at SearchGroup500 we get that! SG5 was a staffing company assisting great firms in both the “investment space” and the “consulting space”. After many years of sitting on the same side of the table as these firms, it became painfully clear that is it the job seeker and job changer who need the most help. Let’s face it, great firms have multiple vendors and don’t care much about who sends a resume as long as the firm gets the best resume! The money is great, but it can be a very thankless job. We don’t have to tell you what it is like working with HR. You probably have more stories than we do. SearchGroup500 made the decision years ago; to only work with job seekers and developed a killer strategy. If you are tired on the black hole and more tired of useless rejection template letters, talk to us. We will explain how we get things done, our affordable pricing and how long it will take.

“Let’s Go!”

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